The dirt on our founder…
Dr. Syl Corbett, DC, PhD
Syl found athletics to be the staple in her life. It was her undying passion and the fuel she thrived on. Syl has never relented and is forever driven by her belief in boundless human potential, especially through athletics. Syl was involved in many sports growing up, but gravitated towards the freedom of solo pursuits. She competed on the World Cup and in numerous World Championships in triathlon, duathlon, mountain running, snowshoeing, marathons, etc. Syl shares her passion and knowledge as a private consultant to many professional athletes in hockey, running, triathlon, cycling, speed skating, and halfpipe skiing.
Ann Corbett, MBA
Sales Manager
Ann (a.k.a. Ace) is an energetic sales professional with over 25 years of experience. She is passionate about promoting environmentally sustainable and ethically sourced products that support healthy and active lifestyles. Her happy place is on mountain bike trails and ski hills taking in the beauty of nature.